And some more goodies:
Worksheets from my D.O.N.E. workbooks. 1 from each. There are 32 alltogether. Check HERE. Dive in! With signing you can download any material or worksheets in this library and you automatically join our weekly inspirations and sunshine straight to your mailbox. We won't spam you. Promise.Worksheet Declutter
Worksheet Organize
Worksheet Nourish
Worksheet Evolve
11 Reasons and 11 Benefits of hiring a coach or enrolling into an e-course. Why you should hire a coach
Check out the 6 basic emotions. However, they are just the top of the iceberg. Basic & Mixed Emotions
What is the nourishment for your body, you know. But what is the nourishment for your soul? Nourishment for Body & Soul
My circle of control tells you what you can control and what not. Concentrate on what is in your circle. My circle of control
How to say goodbye to limiting beliefs. [Worksheet.] Say goodbye to your limiting beliefs
6 beautiful templates for your notes, quotes or strengthening thoughts. • Template 1
• Template 2
• Template 3
• Template 4
• Template 5
• Template 6
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