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Why you can’t afford NOT to invest in yourself.
Written by Mirka Seidel I can literally hear you… What the heck is she talking about?! If I can’t afford something, I can’t spend any money. Right or wrong? Before we answer, let’s discuss this. If you SPEND money or time on yourself, what do you do? You most likely...
What do you feed your soul with?
Written by Mirka Seidel Did you know that your soul needs nourishment? Yup. As your body needs some food and liquid to survive, your soul needs it too. Ok, not necessarily food, even though I am a huge fan of chocolate as an answer to any situation and emotion. To sum...
What is the most important journey?
Written by Mirka Seidel For a long time I had this question in my head. What is the most important journey? Where to? When I came across the following lines by Safi Nidiaye, a German writer and meditation teacher some time ago, I was like “Yassss!”. This is it! This...
What you resist, persists.
Written by Mirka Seidel How often do you argue? Oh great. What kind of question is this? The truth is, we argue more than is healthy. Even once in a while is one time too many. Why is that actually? Why we just looooove to be right? And you can meditate daily, you...
Change doesn’t happen while you are sleeping.
Written by Mirka Seidel Question. When was the last time you were in a hurry? Yesterday? Today? I bet it was not that long ago. Maybe you are in a hurry now and have no freaking time to read my post. It's ok, I don't mind. I know what's in here. You will miss out on...
How to say goodbye to Limiting Beliefs.
Written by Mirka Seidel Tell me. How many limiting beliefs do you have? No idea? You don't have any? Too many to be able to count? Which one of these are you? Well, we all have limiting beliefs. You too. Me as well. They are manipulating our thoughts and our actions...
Do we need to restart the mankind?
Written by Mirka Seidel Hey guys. I've decided to put some of my thoughts out there about the situation we are facing right now. No running away anymore. And I guess - no place to run away to unfortunately. We have this one ball to live on and that's it. As the virus...
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